- sigh... really? So because you created a business and jobs which admittedly contribute to the prosperity and success of the people around you, you don't have to pay taxes? I missed that exemption on my return. I mean I hired a maid and go out to eat all the time and buy a bunch of stuff which also contributes to the local prosperity, why should I also pay more taxes? Taxes are the fee that enables the environment in which I find it possible to live, work and pursue happiness. You do realize that with federal government intervention, for example, we would have neither interstate highways nor a national railroad system? both just a bit critical infrastructure to every single business in the country. And the states still waste that money in a bunch of ways (Interstates in Hawaii... yep)
- I simply extended your logic to the actual conclusion. No one should pay taxes because we all contribute to the economy (or the only people who don't simply don't have money to tax...duh) Your last statement is inherently accurate but everything is completely false corollary that is pretty common hyperbole spouted by republicans. Fair and equitable taxation isn't remotely equatable to government run business. It is a straw man argument that has no validity and is only propped up by engaging in arguing against it. So I won't. Even presenting that as a valid topic for discussion shows you aren't willing to engage in any kind of reasonable and logical discussion. It isn't even remotely what she or I said. Let's try this again. The country and social contract IS WHAT ALLOWED YOU TO PURSUE YOUR HAPPINESS... you do NOT deserve a free ride because you make more money than someone else. Additionally, it has been proven clearly and conclusively that lowering taxes on the rich does not stimulate the overall economy, does not increase job growth (even calling them "job creators" is complete travesty), and does not deter investment. That anyone persists in this as a reasonable argument or a stance that must be engage is like saying "no really, the world is flat" and the political equivalent of slapping both hands over your ears and shouting LALALALALALALA...
- Same with "complete free market" and "dergulated industries will naturally do what is best".... good theories at some point, but PROVEN to fail in actual practice numerous times