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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Word From My Brother

If the Post Office were a business it would have long ago *adapted* and developed new, innovative products and services to attract business and improve their customer’s lives who could *voluntarily* exchange their dollars for services. Walk into any FedEx Kinkos and marvel at the difference. But the Post Office is not a business. It is government-run. So it lives in the stone age and keeps paying ever-increasing salaries plus benefits plus outrageous pensions to its MILLIONS of unproductive employees regardless if there’s enough business generation of dollars to pay for it. It does what all government-run activity does- slurp down ever-increasing billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars which is, in a very real sense, an *involuntary* business transaction. Our federal government has commandeered control over large swaths of American life and business activity- education, college student loans, housing mortgage finance, HEALTHCARE, finance and financial bailouts, the internet, air traffic control, retirement healthcare, retirement funding (Social Security), plus hundreds of thousands of pages regulations regulating nearly everything of all matters big and small. The federal government is also rapidly expanding its primary M.O. of control- subsidize something for lower income people or favored political or voter groups, expand funding, heavily regulate, control completely. Healthcare, education, retirements, housing and housing finance, higher education finance, business subsidies, and literally thousands of other “social welfare services” and subsidy programs have spawned from our federal government. Our federal government does not exist in a stable or static situation and YOU should not put your head in the sand or merely give up out of hopelessness for in fact our federal government’s mushrooming involvement in American life and economy is exponentially EXPLODING and this must be stopped. The FCC, the FDA, the new financial regs, OBAMACARE, the looming insolvency of Medicare and Social Security, and so on and so on. Our federal government’s trajectory is, as it consumes and destroys the efficiency and productivity of everything in its path, is a journey straight into darkness. Just like every other nation in human history who (willingly or otherwise) took this path- the governmentalization of economy and life. We are simply delaying the consequences- the inevitable sharp reversal and drop in personal living standards and the *loss of our personal freedoms and incomes*- by charging the bill to a government credit card.

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