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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Human Beings Were Not Meant To Be Parasites

If you listen to the garbage coming out of “liberals” mouths lately, you realize there are some serious issues upstairs. The Tea Party is “starving children”?? Really?? Children will starve unless we live under unlimited government power tyrannical rule?? The fedgov is exploding in a mushroom cloud of spending which should continue unabated and if we even try to slow its accelerating growth rate children will starve?? Huh?? How many tens of TRILLIONS of dollars have been spent –the largest transfer of wealth in all of human history including all the world’s wars of conquest- on the ‘liberals’ “War on Poverty”?? And what has been the result? Our nation’s poor are obese. About 15% of our population live like rabid zoo animals. ***Open your f-ing eyes “liberals”*** Children who are hungry or neglected are that way because of stupid f-ing idiot brain-dead single-parents living off of government programs. Just go land look at them! I do all the time. Go to where “they” live. Go to where “they” shop. You want to see child abuse? Look at how millions of people reliant upon free gov money rather than themselves treat their fatherless children. The “War on Poverty” has caused more devastation than any of our wars could ever muster. GOVERNMENT DEPENDENCY causes the ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY causes WORK ETHIC to go to ZERO causes the human being to ROT. Single parent and single teen parent statistics went from being almost non-existent before LBJ’s “Great Society” (“socialism”) to almost ALL black children are now raised in single mom completely gov dependent for EVERYTHING households. Hispanics are one notch behind them. A complete breakdown has occurred within our society and this disease is spreading wildly. Human beings were not meant to be parasites. Human beings were not meant to be dependent zoo animals. The single greatest cause of what “poverty” we do have and the “starving children” we do have in this country are bad parents, and particularly single parents, who laze about doing incredibly STUPID things with their lives because the government pays them for breathing. They have zero productive output yet “liberals” can’t seem to understand why there is a “wealth gap”. When the fire in their heart is out, when the drive in their soul is gone, they don’t do the work to raise their children. Period. And this is DISGUSTING! And as anybody can see this has been passed on to their fatherless children for three generations with each generation becoming more rabidly and stupidly behaved and more dependent than the previous. Our “urban” and “barrio” area have become third world countries. And what’s a “liberal” to do? Why blame the productive, hard-working, traditional America family. Blame racism. Blame the “rich”, the corporations, the conservatives, and the republicans. Blame the solution. Why it’s the Tea Party’s fault! They’re starving the children. Steal even more of their money. Regulate their every move. Steal their liberty. More free money for the parasites. Well guess what “liberals”? We’re out of money. The American People are INFURIATED at YOU and your f-ing psychosis!! You can’t squeeze any more blood out of us. You can’t regulate us anymore. You can’t borrow any more. Time to ELIMINATE your programs. Either we do it now in a controlled fashion or let the financial markets do it suddenly and uncontrollably. Time for YOUR creations to figure out a way to survive ON THEIR OWN. Just like every other living creature since time immemorial.

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