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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

If you need birth control- BUY IT

The fedgov is going to DICTATE (with its new superpower status under Obamacare) to insurance companies that something will now be “free” and have neither deductible nor co-pay? Does that make any sense to you??? Only a government can think or operate this way and this is why Socialists collapse every nation they get their hands on. If you need birth control- BUY IT. What is so f-ing hard about that??? Here are the motivations behind the ever looming monstrosity in Washington D.C.:

1) Make private insurance so expensive people can’t afford it and then scapegoat the insurers as evil greedy health deniers when it’s really the gov’s fault for the costs. This falls under the category of “evil”. 

2) Include all these “free” things under Obama’s subsidized and free “health insurance exchanges”. 

3) Entice people with its subsidized, lower than private insurance price (because your neighbor is paying for it with taxes) into the “exchanges”. 

4) Collapse private insurance and drive employers to drop employer-based coverage. 

5) You now live in Europe and you didn’t even have to buy a plane ticket. Enjoy that 50% income tax bite –AND- a VAT. 

6) Remember the good old times before YOUR standard of living collapsed. You are now near poverty and dependent on the gov for your well-being. 

7) Yearn to be free again but, with most of the nation dependent on the gov for their every need from A-Z, there only seems to be far-left democrats winning every election everywhere and they’ve only just begun stealing your money and eliminating your liberty. 

8) Think about moving to another country as the U.S. gets destroyed by socialists.


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