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Friday, July 15, 2011

Quite A Price To Pay For Your Neighbors Stuff

Throughout all of human history, unlimited government power has always been the source of all tyranny. And freedom has always been the antidote. Your neighbor making more money than you is not tyranny. A rich person having more money than you is not tyranny. A rich person created far far more wealth and economic activity for society than their own miniscule-by-comparison personal assets. This is how they got rich. They are not taking it away from you or anybody else. They created it. Their spending creates jobs and incomes. Their investments create jobs and incomes. Their ideas and creativity create jobs and income and progress- capitalism is how we went from hunter-gatherer tribes dying at age 24 in misery to skyscrapers and 747’s and high-tech dental crowns for your teeth. The unlimited use of government power to destroy and steal from the rich because you are greedy, because you want what they have without actually having to, you know, work for it or do what they did, is tyranny. Socialism is history’s most tyrannical form of government. Creating a class of less-equals from which to extract unlimited free-forced labor for the benefit of the more-equals who are entitled to the less-equals free forced labor via endless free money and free benefits is tyranny. While I pay a 50% total tax rate and essentially am being robbed because I am one of the nation’s ‘millionaires and billionaires’ (I’m an airline pilot who grew up poor) so that my neighbors can enjoy a work-free life of free housing, food, healthcare, public education, income, retirement income, disability, unemployment, WIC, retirement healthcare, utilities, school lunches, college tuition and so on and so on and so on while simultaneously not paying any taxes nor being productive while I simultaneously pay for all those things myself with my small amount of leftover (post 50% total tax rate) disposable income is tyranny. North Korea and Cuba practice socialism. How’s that working out? The literally and figuratively burning to the ground Greece civilization practices socialism. How’s that working out? The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was the most repressive entity in all of human history. How do that work out? And Western Europe’s democratic socialism, the use of unlimited government power which lets entitlement mentality, greedy, lazy, ignorant, or really strange and scary people enslave the other via voting themselves somebody else’s money always leads to the same dead end- their tyranny always runs out of other people’s money. When that happens we get an unlimited power central government run and controlled one-party(!) socialist ruled civilization. Even more tyranny. Quite a price to pay because some people want what their neighbor has without actually having to, you know, actually work for it and quite a price to pay because some people want somebody else to pay their medical (and other) bills. Property rights are the cornerstone of human rights. Lose those and you will lose all others. All of history’s past and current tyrannies violate property rights. Socialism violates property rights on a mass scale and is the most infamous form of tyrannical government ever devised. You don’t think so yourself because you are not yet its victim. But you seem fairly young so you’ll get a chance to see its grip clamp down right here in the United States.


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