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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Where do you public union workers get off demanding that your neighbors pay for your health care and pensions for the rest of your lives? You're not collectively bargaining against some fat cat CEO flying on a company jet. You are collectively bargaining against your neighbors who make half as much as you do.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

There was a time in America

The bill was sponsored by State Senator Shannon Jones, a Republican from Springboro. If it passes, SB 5 will eliminate collective bargaining privileges for workers employed by the State of Ohio. Changes for public employees would include the elimination of binding arbitration for safety forces. Annual "step" increases would also be removed from the list of state laws. Currently, public employees garner the raises BASED SOLELY ON THE NUMBER OF YEARS WORKED and NOT performance, attendance or advanced training or education. There was a time in America that workers had little to no protection from unjust firing, unfair wage policies and unsafe working conditions. The creation of workers compensation departments, civil rights laws, OSHA laws, EPA laws and state wage and hour departments address the major concerns which spurred the creation of labor unions. Is there still a need for worker's unions to ensure safe and lawful employment practices?

I'm not hearing it. I'm not seeing it.

Dear Friends,
     There have been gatherings lately, most notably in Wisconsin.  Coming soon to Indiana and Ohio. I have been watching, learning and listening.  The good people at these gatherings truly believe in what they are standing for. That is their right, I stand by them for that. But those people, the good people, really need to start looking around them and ask who it is that is standing with them. They need to ask why are THESE people here. They need to ask themselves if THESE are the people they want to be associated with. Are they the people they want their leaders to be working in tandem with organizing these events? Who are THESE people? They're easy to pick out. They are the ones holding the big red banners and the big red flags.  They are the one's who say "workers of the world unite". They are the ones who hit female reporters while shouting ethnic slurs and nasty references to one's sexuality. They are the people calling for blood on the streets. The question needs to be asked: Why is an admitted communist who was booted from his job as Green Jobs Czar because Americans found out about him, and who is now working at Organizing for America...why has he organized protests at all 50 capitals this Saturday? This is not Egypt or Libya, this is the United States of America.
   Those people, the good people need to decide.  Need to decide if they want THESE people there. They need to decide if they want to be associated with THESE people.  They need to stand up and shout "THEY'RE not with us".  Well....

I'm not hearing it.  I'm not seeing it.

I'm afraid the good people are fast becoming the largest flock of sheep in history.

hmmm that's interesting

So when there are protests and rallies that draw national attention....people tend to say "hmmm, wonder what that's all about?" So they look into it...tappity tap, Oh..that's what this is all about. They're fighting so they don't lose something they value. Tappity tap, oh, so that's what they have now and they're fighting because they want the ability to ask for more, hmmm that's interesting. Oh wow, I'm paying for all of it! That's even more interesting!