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Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Evidence Is In At UC Davis

 h/t to The Right Scoop

First let me offer up the evidence (so far):

  • Then we have the video that everybody has seen, over and over.

Which video do you think the #Occupiers and the Main Stream Media is publicizing the most? What a surprise, right? This is a perfect example, in my opinion, of how the left leaning media (which is just about all of them) is manipulating public opinion. How many "humorous" Photoshopped pictures of the cop pepper spraying someone have you seen? All based on what the media has chosen to report, what they have chosen for you to see. Bias by omission.

We have video proof that the protestors at UC Davis purposely did not comply, were warned repeatedly, they provoked and surrounded the police officers leaving them (the police) no choice but to follow through with their warnings. Yet we have MSM talking heads calling the police pigs. Why is the media not reporting these events leading up to the pepper spraying? Because it doesn't fit the leftist, liberal narrative... #OWS, Democrats and the media NEED the public opinion to be in favor of these protestors, after all they're "the reason" Obama "ran for office in the first place.”

The protestors are useful idiots being used by the Marxist unions, the Democrats and a long list of other nefarious groups and organizations. The media is manipulating public opinion because after all, the main stream media IS one of those nefarious organizations.

Don't be one of the manipulated. Don't take the complacent, water carrying media's word for it, DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

All You Need To Know About Why #OWS Is Happening

First watch this Speech To Stir

Then watch this  Top Down - Bottom Up

Then read this Official List of #OWS Supporters

A little bit of this for good measure.....

It's extremely obvious to me, is it obvious to you?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Letter To Gov. Kasich

Dear Gov. Kasich,
     The other day a very well known radio personality whom you should never doubt because he is correct 99.6% of the time with half his brain tied behind his back said: "Governor Kasich, you didn't hear the people; you heard the unions! You heard union cash registers..." I firmly believe he is correct in that statement.
     I have listened to your statements after the defeat of Issue 2 and I have read your letter on Facebook and quite frankly it didn't sound like you. I have family members who have lived in Columbus for years, they have voted for and supported you since the beginning because of your common sense, no nonsense, steel backbone approach and that is why I voted for and support you as well. While I understand that it is very difficult if not impossible to win against a machine such as the public-sector unions, what with their member dues to spend at will on anything they choose, I found that your statements sounded as is you have been defeated. That is not the John Kasich I have been told about and not the John Kasich I met and voted for.
    I don't know what you are going to do in the future. We know what needs to be done, we know the consequences if it remains business as usual and I hope and pray that you have not been defeated. Regret is not in my vocabulary (yet).

Yours in support,
                        Scott B.
September 2010

Monday, November 7, 2011

Vote YES on Issue 2!

I may not convince anybody to change their NO votes tomorrow to a YES but mark my words: If SB5 is repealed tomorrow, you will absolutely, positively see higher taxes, more layoffs and more budget problems for the schools. How else can the state pay for everything? There aren't going to be any more stimulus packages to shore up the union pensions (which are currently unsustainable and the very reason for the stimulus packages). Pay freezes and larger classrooms that are happening right now are BECAUSE there is no more stimulus money (that's the "loss of Federal Funding" part in your school newsletter) and the state is obligated by contract to pay the union pensions and benefits FIRST (the newsletter left THAT part out), so now there isn't enough money left for the schools and currently working teachers. Keep things the way they are and things will surely get much worse. Please vote YES on Issue 2 Tuesday!