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Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Evidence Is In At UC Davis

 h/t to The Right Scoop

First let me offer up the evidence (so far):

  • Then we have the video that everybody has seen, over and over.

Which video do you think the #Occupiers and the Main Stream Media is publicizing the most? What a surprise, right? This is a perfect example, in my opinion, of how the left leaning media (which is just about all of them) is manipulating public opinion. How many "humorous" Photoshopped pictures of the cop pepper spraying someone have you seen? All based on what the media has chosen to report, what they have chosen for you to see. Bias by omission.

We have video proof that the protestors at UC Davis purposely did not comply, were warned repeatedly, they provoked and surrounded the police officers leaving them (the police) no choice but to follow through with their warnings. Yet we have MSM talking heads calling the police pigs. Why is the media not reporting these events leading up to the pepper spraying? Because it doesn't fit the leftist, liberal narrative... #OWS, Democrats and the media NEED the public opinion to be in favor of these protestors, after all they're "the reason" Obama "ran for office in the first place.”

The protestors are useful idiots being used by the Marxist unions, the Democrats and a long list of other nefarious groups and organizations. The media is manipulating public opinion because after all, the main stream media IS one of those nefarious organizations.

Don't be one of the manipulated. Don't take the complacent, water carrying media's word for it, DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK.

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