New York, NY: With the repeal of Senate Bill 5, a new collective bargaining law signed by Governor Kasich earlier this year, public-sector unions will claim that this is the final verdict that will end efforts to change the terms of employment for unionized public-sector workers. In his new Manhattan Institute issue brief, “Storm Clouds Ahead: Why Conflict with Public Unions Will Continue,” City College political scientist Daniel DiSalvo argues that instead this will be the latest in a series of ongoing conflicts that will arise between governments and public-employee unions in states where the public workforce is heavily unionized. Slow economic growth will cause persistent budget problems—especially as pension and health benefits limit the availability of funds for core government services.
DiSalvo says that these conditions will pertain to New York, California, Illinois, Rhode Island, Michigan, Ohio, and Washington State. If government spends more on the salaries, pensions, and health care of its employees, it cannot spend on public transit, schools, and assistance for the poor.
According to DiSalvo, there will be ongoing conflict between public-sector unions and government because of the fundamental differences between unions in the public and private sectors. In times of fiscal pressures, these differences make it very difficult for elected officials and government labor unions to resolve disputes, in contrast to private-sector negotiations where compromise has started to take root between management and workers. Because public employees have become a majority of America’s union members and because their unions are now the principal financiers of political efforts, compromise is not likely. Collective bargaining at the center of the SB 5 controversy is fundamentally different in the public sector than in the private sector.
While public employee unions may be able to stave-off major efforts to address employee compensation costs in the short term, the need for states to make their budgets more resilient and their workforces more efficient will remain. By rejecting structural reform, as voters have in Ohio, states force a choice between either the “austerity” path blazed by California, leading to a deterioration of services; or a model that is heavy on tax increases, as seen in Illinois and Rhode Island. These approaches are better for public employee unions—or at least for the majority of their members who don’t get laid off due to austerity-- but they are worse for the taxpayer. Public-sector unionization can distort policy choices toward special interests at the expense of the general public good.
Daniel DiSalvo is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute's Center for State and Local Leadership and an assistant professor of political science at The City College of New York. He received his doctorate in politics from the University of Virginia and was previously Andrew W. Mellon Visiting Professor at Amherst College. His work focuses on American political parties, elections, labor unions, state government, and public policy.
see original link here
Here I will post political commentary and humor through writing, photos, manipulated photos, and cartoons. Most I wrote or created, some I didn't. Please look through the archives for my previous blogs. Follow me on Twitter @mainScottmedia!
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Friday, December 2, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
The Evidence Is In At UC Davis
h/t to The Right Scoop
First let me offer up the evidence (so far):
Which video do you think the #Occupiers and the Main Stream Media is publicizing the most? What a surprise, right? This is a perfect example, in my opinion, of how the left leaning media (which is just about all of them) is manipulating public opinion. How many "humorous" Photoshopped pictures of the cop pepper spraying someone have you seen? All based on what the media has chosen to report, what they have chosen for you to see. Bias by omission.
We have video proof that the protestors at UC Davis purposely did not comply, were warned repeatedly, they provoked and surrounded the police officers leaving them (the police) no choice but to follow through with their warnings. Yet we have MSM talking heads calling the police pigs. Why is the media not reporting these events leading up to the pepper spraying? Because it doesn't fit the leftist, liberal narrative... #OWS, Democrats and the media NEED the public opinion to be in favor of these protestors, after all they're "the reason" Obama "ran for office in the first place.”
The protestors are useful idiots being used by the Marxist unions, the Democrats and a long list of other nefarious groups and organizations. The media is manipulating public opinion because after all, the main stream media IS one of those nefarious organizations.
Don't be one of the manipulated. Don't take the complacent, water carrying media's word for it, DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK.
First let me offer up the evidence (so far):
- We have police warning the protestors.
- We have this telling interview "We had encircled them [campus police], and they were trying to leave, and they were trying to clear a path. And so, we sat down, linked arms, and said that if they wanted to clear the path, they would have to go through us"
- We have more video of the protestors being clearly warned and they were cool with it
- Then we have the video that everybody has seen, over and over.
Which video do you think the #Occupiers and the Main Stream Media is publicizing the most? What a surprise, right? This is a perfect example, in my opinion, of how the left leaning media (which is just about all of them) is manipulating public opinion. How many "humorous" Photoshopped pictures of the cop pepper spraying someone have you seen? All based on what the media has chosen to report, what they have chosen for you to see. Bias by omission.
We have video proof that the protestors at UC Davis purposely did not comply, were warned repeatedly, they provoked and surrounded the police officers leaving them (the police) no choice but to follow through with their warnings. Yet we have MSM talking heads calling the police pigs. Why is the media not reporting these events leading up to the pepper spraying? Because it doesn't fit the leftist, liberal narrative... #OWS, Democrats and the media NEED the public opinion to be in favor of these protestors, after all they're "the reason" Obama "ran for office in the first place.”
The protestors are useful idiots being used by the Marxist unions, the Democrats and a long list of other nefarious groups and organizations. The media is manipulating public opinion because after all, the main stream media IS one of those nefarious organizations.
Don't be one of the manipulated. Don't take the complacent, water carrying media's word for it, DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
All You Need To Know About Why #OWS Is Happening
First watch this Speech To Stir
Then watch this Top Down - Bottom Up
Then read this Official List of #OWS Supporters
A little bit of this for good measure.....
It's extremely obvious to me, is it obvious to you?
Then watch this Top Down - Bottom Up
Then read this Official List of #OWS Supporters
A little bit of this for good measure.....
It's extremely obvious to me, is it obvious to you?
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
My Letter To Gov. Kasich
Dear Gov. Kasich,
The other day a very well known radio personality whom you should never doubt because he is correct 99.6% of the time with half his brain tied behind his back said: "Governor Kasich, you didn't hear the people; you heard the unions! You heard union cash registers..." I firmly believe he is correct in that statement.
I have listened to your statements after the defeat of Issue 2 and I have read your letter on Facebook and quite frankly it didn't sound like you. I have family members who have lived in Columbus for years, they have voted for and supported you since the beginning because of your common sense, no nonsense, steel backbone approach and that is why I voted for and support you as well. While I understand that it is very difficult if not impossible to win against a machine such as the public-sector unions, what with their member dues to spend at will on anything they choose, I found that your statements sounded as is you have been defeated. That is not the John Kasich I have been told about and not the John Kasich I met and voted for.
I don't know what you are going to do in the future. We know what needs to be done, we know the consequences if it remains business as usual and I hope and pray that you have not been defeated. Regret is not in my vocabulary (yet).
Yours in support,
Scott B.
The other day a very well known radio personality whom you should never doubt because he is correct 99.6% of the time with half his brain tied behind his back said: "Governor Kasich, you didn't hear the people; you heard the unions! You heard union cash registers..." I firmly believe he is correct in that statement.
I have listened to your statements after the defeat of Issue 2 and I have read your letter on Facebook and quite frankly it didn't sound like you. I have family members who have lived in Columbus for years, they have voted for and supported you since the beginning because of your common sense, no nonsense, steel backbone approach and that is why I voted for and support you as well. While I understand that it is very difficult if not impossible to win against a machine such as the public-sector unions, what with their member dues to spend at will on anything they choose, I found that your statements sounded as is you have been defeated. That is not the John Kasich I have been told about and not the John Kasich I met and voted for.
I don't know what you are going to do in the future. We know what needs to be done, we know the consequences if it remains business as usual and I hope and pray that you have not been defeated. Regret is not in my vocabulary (yet).
Yours in support,
Scott B.
September 2010 |
issue 2,
public sector,
Rush Limbaugh,
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Vote YES on Issue 2!
I may not convince anybody to change their NO votes tomorrow to a YES but mark my words: If SB5 is repealed tomorrow, you will absolutely, positively see higher taxes, more layoffs and more budget problems for the schools. How else can the state pay for everything? There aren't going to be any more stimulus packages to shore up the union pensions (which are currently unsustainable and the very reason for the stimulus packages). Pay freezes and larger classrooms that are happening right now are BECAUSE there is no more stimulus money (that's the "loss of Federal Funding" part in your school newsletter) and the state is obligated by contract to pay the union pensions and benefits FIRST (the newsletter left THAT part out), so now there isn't enough money left for the schools and currently working teachers. Keep things the way they are and things will surely get much worse. Please vote YES on Issue 2 Tuesday!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
by POX
I just got this in my email and thought I should share it with you all…
The folks who are getting the free stuff don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.
And, the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop.
And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!
Now… the people who are forcing the people who pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that t he people who are PAYING for the free stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.
So… the people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place.
We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.
Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.
The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 231 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that in 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.
A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Liberals: Facts Just Get In The Way
So, one of my "friends" on Facebook posted a picture of an old man with a walker who was at #OccupyCleveland with a caption from Rush Limbaugh calling them unemployed parasites. Obviously this "friend" supports the occupy bowel movement. I commented with pictures and links of the Nazis, socialists, anti-capitalist, the guy shitting on the cop car, etc. You know, FACTS about who these people really are. That "friend" has de-friended me this morning. Apparently this "friend" can't handle the truth. Probably deleted his post so nobody else would see just how wrong he is. That's how it is with liberals, facts just get in the way.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The real villain lies within our own hearts.
Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School (April 20, 1999) shootings in Littleton , Colorado , was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful.
They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness.. The following is a portion of the transcript:
"Since the dawn of creation there has been both good & evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers.
"The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart.
"In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest opponent.
I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.
Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!
" Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact. What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs -- politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts.
"As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA -- I give to you a sincere challenge.. Dare to examine your
own heart before casting the first stone!
My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!"
Darrell Scott
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
A Facebook response from a Leftist
This is a response I got from a "friend" on Facebook. He is responding to my posting of Elizabeth Warren's statements about how businesses wouldn't be successful without infrastructure...
- sigh... really? So because you created a business and jobs which admittedly contribute to the prosperity and success of the people around you, you don't have to pay taxes? I missed that exemption on my return. I mean I hired a maid and go out to eat all the time and buy a bunch of stuff which also contributes to the local prosperity, why should I also pay more taxes? Taxes are the fee that enables the environment in which I find it possible to live, work and pursue happiness. You do realize that with federal government intervention, for example, we would have neither interstate highways nor a national railroad system? both just a bit critical infrastructure to every single business in the country. And the states still waste that money in a bunch of ways (Interstates in Hawaii... yep)
- I simply extended your logic to the actual conclusion. No one should pay taxes because we all contribute to the economy (or the only people who don't simply don't have money to tax...duh) Your last statement is inherently accurate but everything is completely false corollary that is pretty common hyperbole spouted by republicans. Fair and equitable taxation isn't remotely equatable to government run business. It is a straw man argument that has no validity and is only propped up by engaging in arguing against it. So I won't. Even presenting that as a valid topic for discussion shows you aren't willing to engage in any kind of reasonable and logical discussion. It isn't even remotely what she or I said. Let's try this again. The country and social contract IS WHAT ALLOWED YOU TO PURSUE YOUR HAPPINESS... you do NOT deserve a free ride because you make more money than someone else. Additionally, it has been proven clearly and conclusively that lowering taxes on the rich does not stimulate the overall economy, does not increase job growth (even calling them "job creators" is complete travesty), and does not deter investment. That anyone persists in this as a reasonable argument or a stance that must be engage is like saying "no really, the world is flat" and the political equivalent of slapping both hands over your ears and shouting LALALALALALALA...
- Same with "complete free market" and "dergulated industries will naturally do what is best".... good theories at some point, but PROVEN to fail in actual practice numerous times
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Anything Else You Need?
So I received this in the mail today! This is an actual scan. Notice the "or current resident". This thing is like a junk mail advertisement except it's the government! Rather than create an atmosphere that will create jobs Obama wants to give us free cell phones. I look at this and I think of it as INCENTIVE to go on the government dole. Why get a job? The government will provide everything for you! Even a free cell phone!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Don't mind me, I'm just thinking to myself.
I work for a sign shop in Ohio. We are a small business with 5 employees, not including the owner and his wife. We are a franchise, the largest sign franchise in the country I believe, with it's corporate headquarters based in Texas.
A corporation made up of many, many small businesses. An evil corporation if you're one of THOSE people. An evil, greedy corporation with a CEO. An evil corporation that we need to go after and confiscate all the profits, jack up the taxes and stifle with regulations.
Wonder how that would affect my boss? Since he is beholden to the franchise, those added costs will be passed down to him. How would that affect his employees? How would that affect the cost of our products?
Don't mind me, I'm just thinking to myself.
A corporation made up of many, many small businesses. An evil corporation if you're one of THOSE people. An evil, greedy corporation with a CEO. An evil corporation that we need to go after and confiscate all the profits, jack up the taxes and stifle with regulations.
Wonder how that would affect my boss? Since he is beholden to the franchise, those added costs will be passed down to him. How would that affect his employees? How would that affect the cost of our products?
Don't mind me, I'm just thinking to myself.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The KKK Was At My Tea Party Rally
Went to a Tea Party/Constitution Rally today. Man, you should have been there! The KKK was there running around with a noose, rednecks shooting guns in the air, people running around looking for old ladies in wheelchairs to push off cliffs, child and baby killers just stalking our children, terrorists were there trying to recruit for Allah, the sons of bitches! ... wait a minute ... rrrrrgggg ... uuuggghhh .... sorry about that. I have split personalities, thought I was a Democrat there for a minute!
Had a GREAT day! The speakers were great, the people were great. It was a beautiful day!
Had a GREAT day! The speakers were great, the people were great. It was a beautiful day!
God Bless America!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Lone Supporter
This picture needs a caption!
There are so many that can be applied here! You can right-click and copy from here, download from my Facebook page or get it at Twitpics. If using Twitter please add the hashtag #msctm so I can see them! I'm hoping this picture can go viral, it certainly has the potential!
I took this picture last year at a Tea Party rally in Ohio. I forgot I even had it and I think that now is the perfect time to post it!
Happy captioning!
Update: Decided on a caption.
"Diminishing Returns"
Scott B.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sons Of Bitches, Bastards, Zombies and Staplers
WE THE PEOPLE want to lynch blacks.
WE THE PEOPLE can go straight to hell.
WE THE PEOPLE are the sons of bitches.
WE THE PEOPLE are the bastards.
They want to murder WE THE PEOPLE and Obama is proud.
UPDATE: WE THE PEOPLE are zombies and must die.
Um, Obama? I'm gonna need your stapler.
WE THE PEOPLE can go straight to hell.
WE THE PEOPLE are the sons of bitches.
WE THE PEOPLE are the bastards.
They want to murder WE THE PEOPLE and Obama is proud.
UPDATE: WE THE PEOPLE are zombies and must die.
Um, Obama? I'm gonna need your stapler.
barack obama,
Tea Party,
we the people,
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The ATF Was At My Door - Seriously, They Were!
So, it's about 10pm on a Wednesday night. The oldest is doing her artwork on the computer, the other 2 are watching TV, and the wife is baking. My son comes into the room and says "Daddy, there's a policeman at the door!" At first I thought: "Oh great, what did the neighbors do now?" I went out on the porch...didn't know what it was about and I didn't want to scare the kids. When I got out there they handed me this:
During the time it took for me to read their card and for them to explain to me why they were there, many thoughts went through my mind:
- Facebook and Twitter monitoring your posts and comments.
- The DHS and their new "parameters" for who the terrorists are.
- The Democrat barrage of the Tea Party and Conservatives as terrorists, gun lovers, violent extremists, hostage takers, etc.
- The obviously conservative and Tea Party stickers on my car.
- Proud member of the CTPP.
Never in my life would I ever have thought that the government would be at my door for my political beliefs BUT, for a few seconds I honestly thought that that was why the ATF was at my home, given what is coming out of DC these days. I should have faith that We The People will never let that happen in America but it brings a tear to my eye that there is a sliver of doubt in my mind that it could happen. I suppose that is the point of this whole story. I find the contempt this administration holds for America and the citizens who love their country utterly disgusting. I also find it equally disgusting that my mind even entertains the thought that the government would do such a thing!
As it turns out, they were there because the gun shop at the end of my street was robbed the night before. The thieves took guns but no money and that's why the ATF was involved. They were canvassing the area to see if anyone had any information.
Here's to my slivers of doubt never coming true!
Scott B.
Tea Party,
Monday, August 15, 2011
Here in Ohio we have SB5.
Hope & Change: Even Government-Run Agencies Are Going Out of Business
“We will be insolvent next month due to significant declines in mail volume and retiree health benefit pre-funding costs imposed by Congress.”
Now witness the unions fighting to stop the layoffs knowing full well what will happen. This kind of thing is happening across the country, not just with the USPS. States are being forced to take action. Wisconsin being the most publicized. Here in Ohio we have SB5.
A decrease in revenue and the public sector union's refusal to help by cutting the burden they place on the state... It's very simple really.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Human Beings Were Not Meant To Be Parasites
If you listen to the garbage coming out of “liberals” mouths lately, you realize there are some serious issues upstairs. The Tea Party is “starving children”?? Really?? Children will starve unless we live under unlimited government power tyrannical rule?? The fedgov is exploding in a mushroom cloud of spending which should continue unabated and if we even try to slow its accelerating growth rate children will starve?? Huh?? How many tens of TRILLIONS of dollars have been spent –the largest transfer of wealth in all of human history including all the world’s wars of conquest- on the ‘liberals’ “War on Poverty”?? And what has been the result? Our nation’s poor are obese. About 15% of our population live like rabid zoo animals. ***Open your f-ing eyes “liberals”*** Children who are hungry or neglected are that way because of stupid f-ing idiot brain-dead single-parents living off of government programs. Just go land look at them! I do all the time. Go to where “they” live. Go to where “they” shop. You want to see child abuse? Look at how millions of people reliant upon free gov money rather than themselves treat their fatherless children. The “War on Poverty” has caused more devastation than any of our wars could ever muster. GOVERNMENT DEPENDENCY causes the ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY causes WORK ETHIC to go to ZERO causes the human being to ROT. Single parent and single teen parent statistics went from being almost non-existent before LBJ’s “Great Society” (“socialism”) to almost ALL black children are now raised in single mom completely gov dependent for EVERYTHING households. Hispanics are one notch behind them. A complete breakdown has occurred within our society and this disease is spreading wildly. Human beings were not meant to be parasites. Human beings were not meant to be dependent zoo animals. The single greatest cause of what “poverty” we do have and the “starving children” we do have in this country are bad parents, and particularly single parents, who laze about doing incredibly STUPID things with their lives because the government pays them for breathing. They have zero productive output yet “liberals” can’t seem to understand why there is a “wealth gap”. When the fire in their heart is out, when the drive in their soul is gone, they don’t do the work to raise their children. Period. And this is DISGUSTING! And as anybody can see this has been passed on to their fatherless children for three generations with each generation becoming more rabidly and stupidly behaved and more dependent than the previous. Our “urban” and “barrio” area have become third world countries. And what’s a “liberal” to do? Why blame the productive, hard-working, traditional America family. Blame racism. Blame the “rich”, the corporations, the conservatives, and the republicans. Blame the solution. Why it’s the Tea Party’s fault! They’re starving the children. Steal even more of their money. Regulate their every move. Steal their liberty. More free money for the parasites. Well guess what “liberals”? We’re out of money. The American People are INFURIATED at YOU and your f-ing psychosis!! You can’t squeeze any more blood out of us. You can’t regulate us anymore. You can’t borrow any more. Time to ELIMINATE your programs. Either we do it now in a controlled fashion or let the financial markets do it suddenly and uncontrollably. Time for YOUR creations to figure out a way to survive ON THEIR OWN. Just like every other living creature since time immemorial.
Vigilant, Active and Brave
Dear Obama,
I listened to your little speech today. Our troops, who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom and the freedom of others as well are a footnote to you? Your hatred for America and all she stands for is out in the open for all to see and your comrades in the media can't spin you out of this anymore. You are personally overseeing the destruction of the country that I love. You are purposely pitting people against each other; the haves and the have-nots, you are waging class warfare.
You need to leave.
![]() |
Proud American and Patriot
And one more thing: WE are America. You sir, are not.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tea Partyers Are Violent Extremist Hostage Takers
I'm sure everybody has noticed the heightened labeling of Repubs, conservatives and the Tea Party as terrorists, killers, psychotics, addicts, extremists, hostage takers and on and on. Has anybody noticed that the Dept. of Homeland Security and TSA have now expanded their "criteria" and methods for finding terrorists? They're now looking for home grown terrorists. They are using Israeli methods to "sniff" out terrorists by casually asking them questions and paying close attention to mannerisms.
They've put out a video of who to look for. Were they Muslims? Nope. They were white extremists...exactly what the Main Stream Media is now labeling Repubs, conservatives and the Tea Party. Now, given that the accepted narrative is that the Tea Partiers are extremists, violent hostage takers, killers, terrorists.... I wonder what they will consider suspicious now ... and now that we are those things what about the writings, speeches, web sites and such? Will they go after that on the grounds that it could promote violence and terrorism?
I find it quite disturbing that the Main Stream Media and the Democrats are saying nearly the EXACT same things about us. Almost like it was coordinated.
A cursory glance at the history of dictatorships and how they got to be would show that what is happening here is frighteningly close to how dictatorships and the like have gotten into power in the past. They are putting their opposition into a category and then changing their security measures to look for people in that category, thus eliminating their opposition.
I apologize for my lack of writing skills but I think you can get an idea of what I'm trying to say.
They've put out a video of who to look for. Were they Muslims? Nope. They were white extremists...exactly what the Main Stream Media is now labeling Repubs, conservatives and the Tea Party. Now, given that the accepted narrative is that the Tea Partiers are extremists, violent hostage takers, killers, terrorists.... I wonder what they will consider suspicious now ... and now that we are those things what about the writings, speeches, web sites and such? Will they go after that on the grounds that it could promote violence and terrorism?
I find it quite disturbing that the Main Stream Media and the Democrats are saying nearly the EXACT same things about us. Almost like it was coordinated.
A cursory glance at the history of dictatorships and how they got to be would show that what is happening here is frighteningly close to how dictatorships and the like have gotten into power in the past. They are putting their opposition into a category and then changing their security measures to look for people in that category, thus eliminating their opposition.
I apologize for my lack of writing skills but I think you can get an idea of what I'm trying to say.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
@WashingtonDC It's the ---ENTITLEMENT SPENDING---
@WashingtonDC It's the ---ENTITLEMENT SPENDING--- That is what this is all about. Any other explanation out of you signals dishonesty, ideologically-driven blindness, and/or ignorance. Entitlement spending is eclipsing ALL tax revenues RIGHT NOW. That's why we are borrowing so much (you can easily research this yourself with your own government's data). Entitlement spending keeps exponentially exploding upwards as our society ages and collects their Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and soon Obamacare. Our entitlement recipients paid a tiny fraction in taxes compared to what they'll receive. They are getting a free lunch. Entitlement spending keeps going up and up and up and up so high that NO AMOUNT of taxes on ANYBODY can ever pay for it. There is not even enough productive capacity within the entire United States to pay for it. The unfunded entitlement liability owed is ***$211 Trillion***. You cannot pay out that much free money forever. We will run out of money no matter what we do and we are simply seeing seeing the beginning of that right now. Just like Greece. A nation living on the free lunch will eventually fiscally collapse. Borrowing another 2 or 3 trillion (!!!) just to get through the next 1.5 yrs (!!!) is simply delaying the inevitable and making the future even more painful. We are condemning our future generations to MISERY. Say it out loud 1,000 times: It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING.....X 37.037037037037037037037
barack obama,
Tea Party
Saturday, July 30, 2011
A Happy Letter From CB
Did you know that to maintain our current spending trajectory and to keep our entitlements as they are the middle to upper middle class would have to pay 60-85% income tax rates (source: IMF). That the entitlement programs which the democrats created during the New Deal and the Great Society (which have expanded ever since their creation) have a ***$211 trillion*** unfunded liability!!!
Did you know we could eliminate ALL discretionary spending right now and we would still need to borrow. We could eliminate the ENTIRE military and we would still need to borrow. In about 20 years we could eliminate both -the ENTIRE military and ALL discretionary- that is to say the ENTIRE federal government and we still couldn't pay the entitlements?
That we could confiscate all income, assets, savings, property -everything- of all people making over $100,000 per year and we STILL couldn't pay the entitlements? We still couldn't pay the HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people deemed by our federal government to be entitled to millions of dollars of free lifetime benefits? And if we did such a confiscation it would be ***ONE TIME ONLY*** and the economy would completely collapse into something like North Korea or Cuba with almost zero economic activity replete with mass famine and repression?
Then the far-left fundamentalist extremists would finally have satisfied their radical obsession of single party iron fisted rule (to save life on this planet as we know it, of course) and we all skip off into the sunset holding hands singing kum baye ya with no one person having a single penny more than the other. Except for the socialist vanguard overseeing and managing the utopia right here on earth, of course.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
File Under: Tyrannical Radical Government Expansionism
Let’s talk about the changes our U.S. federal government has undergone over the last century. One hundred years ago its power and functions were properly and constitutionally constrained. After the New Deal the character of our federal government radically changed from being constrained to doing whatever it wanted to do so long as the Constitution did not prohibit it. This came about because during the Great Depression FDR packed the Supreme Court until they approved his radical socialist expansion. The Great Society wildly expanded this mode giving us the socialist welfare state which is bankrupting us today. But now our federal government has entered a new phase where it not only does whatever it wants to do, it is insisting on telling us what we must and must not do, against our will, while it churns out hundreds of thousands of pages per year of new rules, laws, regulations, and orders limiting our freedoms according to IT’S desires. The federal government has radically changed from its inception and is rapidly constraining the American People with its self-created fourth branch of government- the vast array of regulatory agencies. The people in these agencies have a wildly divergent view of their relationship with the American People. The regulators believe they “own” the U.S. and we are merely here to do what they say- we are here to obey their commands. Enabled by massive thousand page laws which create autonomous agency “rule-writing authority”, they self-expand their legal jurisdictions and spew out hundreds upon thousands of new “laws” yearly. They do this completely outside of the Constitutional law-making process and completely outside the reach of elections and consent of the governed.
This is EXACTLY what our Founding Fathers fought a war against and designed a charter to prevent from ever happening again. But alas, this is the trajectory that all governments, given enough time, will take. Have you ever been to a lake or reservoir that is U.S. Army Corps of Engineers “owned”? There are lots of them in Texas. The Corps sets up a buffer around the lake and nobody can use that land nor the lake itself. At this very moment, Lisa Jackson, the revolutionary socialist director of the EPA, is attempting to unilaterally give the EPA *legal controlling authority* over all water within the United States. She is trying to claim that *any* body of water, beach, coastline, lake, river, stream, creek, or puddle *no matter how small* plus buffer zones around it are now “owned” by the U.S. federal government. Every. Single. Drop. For our own protection and safety, of course. This is such a radical jump in character by the Obama administration that even I am speechless. In addition to this the EPA has also been relentlessly issuing new air regulations which are going to cripple our electricity generating capacity and coal industry and will cause electricity rates to skyrocket killing hundreds of thousands of jobs. Oil drilling, exploration, and production in the Gulf of Mexico has been reduced by 70% under Obama’s iron fisted rule.
These regulations go far far beyond anything considered environmental protection or quality and instead fall squarely under “tyrannical radical government expansionism”. Most of the air regulations are being deliberately and specifically designed to cripple Texas- the enemy of the socialist elite who are determined to place America under their rule. This act of custom designing laws and regulations for the sole purpose of punishing those who resist its “socialist revolution”, destroying hundreds of thousands of jobs in the process, is so extreme that it is reminiscent of what Stalin did to the Ukraine when they resisted his socialist expansion.
A reading of our Declaration of Independence slowly, thoughtfully, and line-by-line is more relevant than ever.
Our federal government has become tyranny personified.
Obamacare is set to nationalize our entire healthcare system driving our already impossible to sustain spending much higher and forcing people who already pay 35-50% tax rates to fork out $18,000/yr per household to pay for their Obamacare “insurance exchange” product so that non-taxpayers who are *already* getting $20-40,000/yr of free government stuff may get their healthcare free.
Our fedgov dishes out such astronomically large sums of free government money to its privileged faction of voting patrons that according to the IMF tax rates on the middle to upper-middle class would have to climb to an astonishing 60-85% to sustain the free-money gravy train. Under this scenario the upper-middle class would be allowed to keep only 15% of their pay, and to actually start paying down the massive accumulated debt, which equals the entire annual output of the U.S. economy, tax rates would have to rise even higher than this. Of course even half this measure would collapse the economy like a stalled aircraft turning us into Cuba, tax revenues would plunge, and we would enter a super-depression like the world has never seen replete with famine, starvation deaths, and a worldwide historical calamity.
Yet when We The People demand a stop to this spending orgy our own federal government LASHES OUT at us- demanding that WE shut up, demanding that WE obey, and insisting that OUR money does not even belong to us. Our federal government, its army of free-money privileged patrons, and its politburo of iron fisted regulators have become a parasitic mafia who have hijacked our nation and, short of another American Revolution, are perched to crush us.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
If you need birth control- BUY IT
The fedgov is going to DICTATE (with its new superpower status under Obamacare) to insurance companies that something will now be “free” and have neither deductible nor co-pay? Does that make any sense to you??? Only a government can think or operate this way and this is why Socialists collapse every nation they get their hands on. If you need birth control- BUY IT. What is so f-ing hard about that??? Here are the motivations behind the ever looming monstrosity in Washington D.C.:
1) Make private insurance so expensive people can’t afford it and then scapegoat the insurers as evil greedy health deniers when it’s really the gov’s fault for the costs. This falls under the category of “evil”.
2) Include all these “free” things under Obama’s subsidized and free “health insurance exchanges”.
3) Entice people with its subsidized, lower than private insurance price (because your neighbor is paying for it with taxes) into the “exchanges”.
4) Collapse private insurance and drive employers to drop employer-based coverage.
5) You now live in Europe and you didn’t even have to buy a plane ticket. Enjoy that 50% income tax bite –AND- a VAT.
6) Remember the good old times before YOUR standard of living collapsed. You are now near poverty and dependent on the gov for your well-being.
7) Yearn to be free again but, with most of the nation dependent on the gov for their every need from A-Z, there only seems to be far-left democrats winning every election everywhere and they’ve only just begun stealing your money and eliminating your liberty.
8) Think about moving to another country as the U.S. gets destroyed by socialists.
1) Make private insurance so expensive people can’t afford it and then scapegoat the insurers as evil greedy health deniers when it’s really the gov’s fault for the costs. This falls under the category of “evil”.
2) Include all these “free” things under Obama’s subsidized and free “health insurance exchanges”.
3) Entice people with its subsidized, lower than private insurance price (because your neighbor is paying for it with taxes) into the “exchanges”.
4) Collapse private insurance and drive employers to drop employer-based coverage.
5) You now live in Europe and you didn’t even have to buy a plane ticket. Enjoy that 50% income tax bite –AND- a VAT.
6) Remember the good old times before YOUR standard of living collapsed. You are now near poverty and dependent on the gov for your well-being.
7) Yearn to be free again but, with most of the nation dependent on the gov for their every need from A-Z, there only seems to be far-left democrats winning every election everywhere and they’ve only just begun stealing your money and eliminating your liberty.
8) Think about moving to another country as the U.S. gets destroyed by socialists.
MSM Has Hashtagged Foxnews
So I'm listening to Mark Steyn this morning filling in for Rush. He was talking about why the every single American MSM was covering the News Corp. hacking scandal live. He was of the opinion that it was because the MSM want SO much for something to be linked to Foxnews. They smell blood. While I agree, I have another theory. Here's what I think:
As I was listening I remembered that nearly every time the MSM reported on the hacking scandal, leading up to the televised hearings, they always added in the end that News Corp. was Foxnews' parent company. So now, with the hearings being aired live everywhere, people will associate News Corp. with Foxnews, forgetting that this whole thing is about a British tabloid and the UK. The MSM want people to associate Foxnews with scandal. It works you know, if you say "News Corp., parent company of Foxnews" enough times, people will naturally think Foxnews every time News Corp. is mentioned and the MSM is hoping and praying that Newscorp. and Murdoch go down, or at least smeared in a most massive way.
I am convinced that all the MSM outlets were told to do this. They were told to make sure that everyone knows that News Corp. is Foxnews' parent company. They were hashtagging Foxnews.
As I was listening I remembered that nearly every time the MSM reported on the hacking scandal, leading up to the televised hearings, they always added in the end that News Corp. was Foxnews' parent company. So now, with the hearings being aired live everywhere, people will associate News Corp. with Foxnews, forgetting that this whole thing is about a British tabloid and the UK. The MSM want people to associate Foxnews with scandal. It works you know, if you say "News Corp., parent company of Foxnews" enough times, people will naturally think Foxnews every time News Corp. is mentioned and the MSM is hoping and praying that Newscorp. and Murdoch go down, or at least smeared in a most massive way.
I am convinced that all the MSM outlets were told to do this. They were told to make sure that everyone knows that News Corp. is Foxnews' parent company. They were hashtagging Foxnews.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Quite A Price To Pay For Your Neighbors Stuff
Throughout all of human history, unlimited government power has always been the source of all tyranny. And freedom has always been the antidote. Your neighbor making more money than you is not tyranny. A rich person having more money than you is not tyranny. A rich person created far far more wealth and economic activity for society than their own miniscule-by-comparison personal assets. This is how they got rich. They are not taking it away from you or anybody else. They created it. Their spending creates jobs and incomes. Their investments create jobs and incomes. Their ideas and creativity create jobs and income and progress- capitalism is how we went from hunter-gatherer tribes dying at age 24 in misery to skyscrapers and 747’s and high-tech dental crowns for your teeth. The unlimited use of government power to destroy and steal from the rich because you are greedy, because you want what they have without actually having to, you know, work for it or do what they did, is tyranny. Socialism is history’s most tyrannical form of government. Creating a class of less-equals from which to extract unlimited free-forced labor for the benefit of the more-equals who are entitled to the less-equals free forced labor via endless free money and free benefits is tyranny. While I pay a 50% total tax rate and essentially am being robbed because I am one of the nation’s ‘millionaires and billionaires’ (I’m an airline pilot who grew up poor) so that my neighbors can enjoy a work-free life of free housing, food, healthcare, public education, income, retirement income, disability, unemployment, WIC, retirement healthcare, utilities, school lunches, college tuition and so on and so on and so on while simultaneously not paying any taxes nor being productive while I simultaneously pay for all those things myself with my small amount of leftover (post 50% total tax rate) disposable income is tyranny. North Korea and Cuba practice socialism. How’s that working out? The literally and figuratively burning to the ground Greece civilization practices socialism. How’s that working out? The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was the most repressive entity in all of human history. How do that work out? And Western Europe’s democratic socialism, the use of unlimited government power which lets entitlement mentality, greedy, lazy, ignorant, or really strange and scary people enslave the other via voting themselves somebody else’s money always leads to the same dead end- their tyranny always runs out of other people’s money. When that happens we get an unlimited power central government run and controlled one-party(!) socialist ruled civilization. Even more tyranny. Quite a price to pay because some people want what their neighbor has without actually having to, you know, actually work for it and quite a price to pay because some people want somebody else to pay their medical (and other) bills. Property rights are the cornerstone of human rights. Lose those and you will lose all others. All of history’s past and current tyrannies violate property rights. Socialism violates property rights on a mass scale and is the most infamous form of tyrannical government ever devised. You don’t think so yourself because you are not yet its victim. But you seem fairly young so you’ll get a chance to see its grip clamp down right here in the United States.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Best Facebook Comment Evah!
I posted this link today on Facebook:
along with my comment:
SB: What more do you need? Salary caps for private citizens coming soon. As well as no term limits for the President.
My brother and most of the time mentor responded with this gem:
CB: Amazing indeed. I wrote a long editorial about this today myself. He DOUBLED the dept. of education's budget in one year - showering academics and students with free money - so much so they don't know how to spend it all, in between their time fervently voting for Obama. And now he says your extra money is not yours? It's for somebody else who didn't save or work enough for themselves??? It's the gov's money whose official responsibility is the endless redistribution of our money until we are all exactly the same- like that funny Wendy's fashion show commercial making fun of the olive drab Soviet socialist tyranny? We have NO PROPERTY RIGHTS???? Because this is what Obama is saying. He believes in unlimited tyrannical government power over the powerless individial. He believes in enslaving productive taxpayers who he then uses to feed, clothe and house the free money army. He is a socialist.
I commented back: Is next svimwear.
Immelt, GE and Obama
Rush had a great segment this morning about statements Immelt said at the C of C. The great guys at The Blaze posted a summary and audio of that segment. I want to post a summary of the summary! LOL I know it's just easier to go to The Blaze and just read and hear for yourself but I wanted to post here, on my blog. Just because!
During a small business summit at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Immelt, who also chairs President Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, said businesses need to “get some action underway.”
GE had 5 Billion in profits and paid NO taxes on them.
AND GE has consistently downsized its staff each year since 2009, dropping an approximate 36 thousand employees in just two short years.
“Let Obama give every company in America the same tax break he gave to GE and see how many people they hire”
“Obama and Immelt are like a couple radical Islamic imams telling businesses to sacrifice themselves for the cause.”
“Go blow yourself up and destroy your business” mocked Limbaugh.
Gotta Love Rush!
During a small business summit at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Immelt, who also chairs President Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, said businesses need to “get some action underway.”
“The people who are part of the business sector, the people in this room, have got to stop complaining about government and get some action underway,” he told the group. “There’s no excuse today for lack of leadership. The truth is we all need to be part of the solution.”Immelt is suggesting that businesses be part of the solution by hiring people and to stop complaining about the government.
GE had 5 Billion in profits and paid NO taxes on them.
AND GE has consistently downsized its staff each year since 2009, dropping an approximate 36 thousand employees in just two short years.
“Let Obama give every company in America the same tax break he gave to GE and see how many people they hire”
“Obama and Immelt are like a couple radical Islamic imams telling businesses to sacrifice themselves for the cause.”
“Go blow yourself up and destroy your business” mocked Limbaugh.
Gotta Love Rush!
barack obama,
Rush Limbaugh
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The Obama Is EVIL.
Let’s employ some hindsight, shall we? Remember way way back at the beginning of Obama’s assault on America’s free-market capitalism when, along with Obamacare, he NATIONALIZED the student loan industry? Remember the sordid details? Students with loans get forgiveness if they remain in academia or serve as government employees. But this is ass-backwards, isn’t it? Governments fund education as an INVESTMENT with the anticipation of a RETURN. How can any educational dollars provide a return unless the graduate becomes a productive private-economy worker producing TAX DOLLARS?? Additionally, the academia and government employees enjoy far higher salaries and much more time off (academics get AT LEAST 4 paid months off per year) than their private economy counterparts. They enjoy permanent tenure regardless of mass incompetence and the ability to never get fired. Because of this academics and gov employees should be getting paid less than their private counterparts. The academia and government employees in general enjoy taxpayer-provided lavish pensions for life. Their private counterparts pay for their own 401k’s. Because of this academics and gov employees should be getting paid even less than their private counterparts.
So why in the world would Obama create even more debt when in the future his policy starts cancelling the student loans of government employees and public-employee academics? Shouldn’t he have rewarded underpaid and productive TAXPAYERS instead?? When you realize that government employees and public-employee academics are HUGE Obama supporters and at the same time combine this realization with the image of Greek civilization both literally and figuratively burning to the ground because of the EXACT SAME free-money for the voting patrons of socialism’s feedback-cycle that Obama has been furiously foisting upon us no matter how hard we resist which continues apace even at this very moment, even a small child would come to the conclusion the Obama is EVIL.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Make Some Coffee And Sit Down
...This week the President of the United States Barrack Obama demonized American Citizens who earn $250,000 per year. Let's analyze his comments on a deeper level and in a logical fashion which you would never find in his allied and effectively democratic-party run main stream news media. First of all allow me point out that he and his wife have an annual income of *more than ten times this amount*. The Obamas are part of an elite tiny group called the "super rich" and they have been paying about an 18% tax rate on their earnings while demonizing the *middle class* who work their fingers to the bone for 1/10th of Obama's elitist-privileged lifestyle while paying a confiscatory *40-50%* tax rate on their labor so their actual take-home pay is about $125-150k. To see this charade coming from the erstwhile leader of the free world is a harbinger of his radicalism, the ignorance of his followers, and the pain of injustice both large scale and small inflicted by the hands of the socialists. And just who are these so-called "rich" Americans? As always, Obama's tongue isn't tuned for all American's ears to hear for he is speaking directly to the nation's welfare dependents, minorities, leftists, and people who's ignorance of wealth creation shows no bounds where the common denominator is their main driving purpose in life of getting money and services for free without actually having to work for it. He is dangerously dividing the nation into various hate-groups in order to win votes similar to Europe's thousand year eras of Balkanization which led to the persecution of the Jews and whose remnants and old world hatreds persists to this day. But when the time comes to put his hate-speech into written policy, the American Citizens the President of the United States is demonizing are actually people with $250k *household* incomes so he's conferring enemy of the socialist state status upon professional married couples each making $125k or people with demanding professions such as a physician whose spouse also works. But the vast majority of these demonized people are, in fact, the nation's small business owners who, by the way, happen to employ *50%* of all Americans and who happen to be responsible for most of the nations new advances, economic growth, and job creation. Obama knows perfectly well what he is doing by attacking the heart of America's job, progress, and paycheck creation machine. Notice how Obama rarely does this against large corporations (unless they are on the socialist's evil-doer list such as oil companies). This is because the modern socialist co-opts big business and puts them on the taxpayer free-money gravy train with crony bloated gov contracts, arraignments, pork, and special treatments. This politicized and corrupt style of an indirectly government regulated and run economy buys the socialists more state power and more state control. Witness GM, GE, Google, Fannie, Freddie, Pharma, and a whole host of other examples emerging from this vile administration. The small biz owner is of no use to Obama the socialist particularly because their independence and self-sufficiency is a threat to the tenets of socialism so he, like history's other socialist monsters in places like Venezuela and Cuba, wants to strangle the life out of them. Obama (who along with Michelle are amongst the world's leading jet-setting elitists) referred to the middle-class backbone of America's productive workers and innovators as "private jet owners". This unrepentant lie was clearly aimed at the nation's minorities and ignorants obsessed with voting themselves their neighbors lifestyle without actually having to work for it. By the way, for those who pay attention, starting before he was even elected and continuing even to this day, Obama has been repeating another dramatic falsehood over and over- that his attack on the upper middle class would only affect a tiny fraction of the nation's small businesses. The deceptive lie here is the difference between number of businesses verses the number of employees. His tiny minority of affected small businesses employ nearly all of those 50% of the nation's workers. The vast majority of the nation's small businesses are tiny owner-operator setups and have no employees thus Obama's deceptive attack designed to fool his ignorant class-envious followers would directly hit nearly half of all America's employees with a large pay decrease otherwise known as a large indirect tax. Deceptive manipulators love indirect taxes whose affects they blame on "the rich" which yields another ratcheting of the socialist's choke hold and another round of lynching. Another factor here is the simple numbers game. The upper middle class of this nation are both the productive backbone and the government's modern day slave inventory and human piggy-bank. They have no representation, are perpetually demonized by leftists and socialists and ignorants alike (whose crisscrossed brain wirings have convinced themselves that they are called liberals) and are unconstitutionally singled out for a very unequal punitive treatment under the law with confiscatory and tyrannical taxation. Give a hate speech, rally your hate groups, and then with their votes and support extract an extra $20,000 per year (from those who already pay 40-50% or $100,000-$125,000 per year in taxes) from the 20 million upper-middle-class workers and you get *$400 BILLION* more government revenue *per year*. This is the real big-money flow which the federal government needs and which the tiny few in number super-rich could never generate *per year*. This is why the upper middle class live under perpetual attack and pay tyrannical taxation while the tiny few in number super-rich spend months sailing the Greek Isles. Obama's behavior and speech is glaringly (for the nation's informed and non-socialists) part and parcel of history's worst socialist monsters. Obama's greatest skill and hence his greatest danger is convincing his hundreds of millions of ignorant followers along with their fetish of materialism and desire for other people's stolen stuff that it's ok to rob their neighbor while going down our elected socialist monster's dark path whose well trained tongue and deceptive mind has convinced so many that socialism's evil not only doesn't exist, but is actually good for us.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
There Is No Free Lunch
I'll never forget a certain 6th grade social sciences teacher who taught us that some people were good at growing corn while others were good at raising cattle and by trading corn for cattle each of their lives were improved and their standards of living rose and that this was called capitalism. Because trading corn for cows was cumbersome, they invented money which represented the mutually agreed-upon fair trade value of their labor. At that time my Memorial Elementary School and the Euclid, Ohio community and public school system was pumping out top-notch and productive members of society by the thousands but we didn't think of it as such. We were just ordinary middle class people doing what ordinary middle class people did at that time- Rise to the best of our abilities. This process of rising to the best of your abilities, repeated a billion times a day across our nations towns, cities, states, and regions is literally what built our nation and gave us the high standard of living, quality of life, and comfort that we enjoy today. In retrospect, a school system and community like that in today's America can only be found in exclusive pockets and at great expense. Today's Euclid school system and community, like so many across the nation, has radically changed. Its predominantly gangsta thug males and single teen moms learn, in the rare moments when they do make some efforts at learning, the common theme found across today's U.S. that the hard working guy making a good living is keeping you down and the government owes you both essential services and a living. They are taught socialism. So with the power of money and capitalism comes the danger of democratic socialism- the idea that you can vote yourself somebody else's money and thereby vote yourself their *labor* effectively reserecting that millenia old scourge of direct slavery in its modern indirect variant.
The followers of Barrack Obama and the democratic party in general, plus our now hooked on entitlements middle-class are not being taught the incessant warnings of the late great economist Milton Friedman- "There is no free lunch!" This time around the disease is so ingrained and the government programs and spending are so numerous and huge with so many helpless dependents voting for their survival that another Ronald Reagan may not ever get enough votes to save us. In contrast to America's rise up, the vote yourself somebody else's money so you can have what they have *without working for it*, repeated a billion times a day across our nations towns, cities, states, and regions is literally destroying our nation and will soon melt away our high standard of living, quality of life, and comfort that we enjoy today. Barrack Obama's socialism and his democratic party's socialism is robbing us of our precious God-given and inalienable human and economic freedoms as it plunges us down its certain tunnel of darkness. And when our military is gone, cashiered because people don't want to pay for a $120 doctor visit twice a year, the entire remaining free world will go down the tunnel of darkness too as the world's currently restrained tyrannical enemies of democracy suddenly find themselves unopposed and unrestrained. Many formerly free people all across the world will rediscover real injustice and real misery which was commonplace a mere 100 years ago. This is quite a price to pay for socialism's intoxicating elixir of greed which whispers into the air "somebody else can feed, clothe, house, and pay you free money too". As Greece burns, an all engines stopped Europe decays, creaks and groans, the Soviet Union sits under its tombstone, Cubans suffer, and North Koreans starve while taking bullets in their backs to escape, it is clear the Cold War is far from over and in fact it appears the wrong side is decisively winning by convincing so many millions that its evil does not exist.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Fast and Furious Fail
The administration we have in place today, as with all liberals, are extremely anti-gun. So, what happened? Well, let's see: The US allowed AK-47s to cross the border into Mexico. Yes, they knowingly allowed them to get into Mexico. The program was supposed to be a sting operation by tracing were the guns went. What could go wrong? I just don't think that was a very good idea, nor do I think that was the truth. I think they purposely let the guns get into Mexico, knowing they would be used for murder. Then when it was found out that American guns were being used by the drug cartels to kill people, this administration was going to shout from the mountain tops "See! We need gun control!" It didn't work. One of our border agents was recently murdered. The weapon used? One of the guns from Operation Fast and Furious. Now that would have been perfect to make the call for gun control but.....there is a whistle-blower. He has stated that we were in fact allowing these guns to get into Mexico on purpose, that this was NOT a case of not enough gun control. Hmmm. What's scary is that both the President and AG Eric Holder have stated that they had no idea this operation was going on and they certainly did not authorize it. Really? So we have rogue ATF agents creating their own sting operations without permission...letting AK-47s into Mexico? The Prez didn't know anything about it? I feel safer now!
fast and furious,
gun control,
Friday, June 17, 2011
“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.”
Thursday, June 9, 2011
When Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare Go Broke
When Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare go broke and the fedgov can no longer borrow enough $ to feed the "I'm entitled to other people's free money" black hole, do you really think the fedgov is going to throw its arms up in the air, shrink it's size and power, stop redistributing productive people's incomes, insist people sustain themselves, and let privatization and free markets fix the mess? I've got news for you. Our ever-expanding government blob only moves in one direction- bigger. And when we completely run out of other people's borrowed money, you can expect large nationalizations, socializations, and direct government control and rationing of housing, food, and the entire healthcare industry from birth till death and from A to Z. With certainty you can expect the fedgov to nationalize, socialize, and redistribute all retirement savings such as 401k's and other personal retirement savings as it scrambles to provide for the care and feeding of the soon to be "retired" mass of unproductive helpless government program dependents it has created who not only didn't save one single penny for their own retirement, but destroyed large swaths of their section 8 neighborhoods. "Universal" government provided retirement income for all is another Europe-modeled "liberal" dream which they will impose at the first available moment resulting in even further mass redistribution of wealth from the productives to the unproductives effectively taking away the upwardly mobile middle class' last remaining ability to better themselves and get ahead with hard work. "Liberals" have only just begun inflicting their carnage in their zeal to transform America. This is why it is impossible while they sit in appreciable power to even talk about averting our certain looming fiscal disaster. Our debt crisis is going to inflict one of the greatest destructive storms and loss of freedom in all of human history. And right here in the United States of America no less. This should, however, be of no surprise. Socialists have destroyed every civilization they have ever gotten their hands on, why would we be any different?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
If you don't like mandate, earn less money.
“So it’s a penalty on earning a certain amount of income and self insuring ...So I guess one could say...someone doesn’t need to earn that much income." Holy cow! This is what socialism looks like, and it is in the White House. Social justice, redistribution of wealth, single-payer health care, all of it. Get this mother effer out of there in 2012! Please!
Monday, May 30, 2011
I Pledge.....
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under G O D, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
A Word From My Brother
If the Post Office /2011/05/18/next-up-on-the-bai lout-list-the-mailman/ were a business it would have long ago *adapted* and developed new, innovative products and services to attract business and improve their customer’s lives who could *voluntarily* exchange their dollars for services. Walk into any FedEx Kinkos and marvel at the difference. But the Post Office is not a business. It is government-run. So it lives in the stone age and keeps paying ever-increasing salaries plus benefits plus outrageous pensions to its MILLIONS of unproductive employees regardless if there’s enough business generation of dollars to pay for it. It does what all government-run activity does- slurp down ever-increasing billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars which is, in a very real sense, an *involuntary* business transaction. Our federal government has commandeered control over large swaths of American life and business activity- education, college student loans, housing mortgage finance, HEALTHCARE, finance and financial bailouts, the internet, air traffic control, retirement healthcare, retirement funding (Social Security), plus hundreds of thousands of pages regulations regulating nearly everything of all matters big and small. The federal government is also rapidly expanding its primary M.O. of control- subsidize something for lower income people or favored political or voter groups, expand funding, heavily regulate, control completely. Healthcare, education, retirements, housing and housing finance, higher education finance, business subsidies, and literally thousands of other “social welfare services” and subsidy programs have spawned from our federal government. Our federal government does not exist in a stable or static situation and YOU should not put your head in the sand or merely give up out of hopelessness for in fact our federal government’s mushrooming involvement in American life and economy is exponentially EXPLODING and this must be stopped. The FCC, the FDA, the new financial regs, OBAMACARE, the looming insolvency of Medicare and Social Security, and so on and so on. Our federal government’s trajectory is, as it consumes and destroys the efficiency and productivity of everything in its path, is a journey straight into darkness. Just like every other nation in human history who (willingly or otherwise) took this path- the governmentalization of economy and life. We are simply delaying the consequences- the inevitable sharp reversal and drop in personal living standards and the *loss of our personal freedoms and incomes*- by charging the bill to a government credit card.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Us-vs-Them 2012 Campaign
Yes You Will was in El Paso giving his Us-vs-Them 2012 campaign speech when he orates: "They want to turn us into a 3rd world country". In between the ratattatat of drug lord shootouts and MS-13 ritual killings you could hear the crowd ROAR in Spanish across the graffiti embossed, tin roof dust covered barrios-- "They are RACISTS! Yes They Will work for us! White People Will give us their pay"!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The Smallest Guy In The Room Is Obama
Let's review, ladies and gentlemen, and let's do this with pure and total objectivity, exactly where we are today, just shortly after noon on the 3rd of May, 2011. An American president with admittedly incomplete intelligence, intelligence provided by people, techniques, and agencies reviled, ridiculed, and opposed by this American president, invades a foreign and supposedly friendly nation without its knowledge or consent, using information extracted from Guantanamo detainees, a place that the sitting president opposes, techniques to acquire this information opposed by this president and his regime.
The information provided by waterboarding, it was said last night by Peter King, congressman, New York, waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed produced the intel that led to the successful assault on that glorified hut in which Osama Bin Laden was living. All of this produced by techniques and policies steadfastly opposed by this current president. The president gives a -- some would say illegal -- kill order. We are proscribed because of an executive order from President Ford to assassinate foreign leaders, but nevertheless this president gives a kill order for a target in a private residence in a country, a friendly country invaded by us without their knowledge where there are women and children present, by the way. In the course of this attack, upwards of 22 foreign nationals are either killed or captured, including the targeted unarmed foreign leader.
Then, it is reported that the president ordered the target's body respectfully tossed into the ocean, all of which is done without any United Nations resolution or authorization of any kind. And not only does our president not apologize for any of these actions, he brags about what he did and claims that it was all his idea from the get-go, and our media celebrates him as courageous. Now, who could have imagined such a series of events just a few days ago? If you were alive and paying attention during the 2008 presidential campaign, who could have ever believed that these events would have happened and that their reaction, the reaction of these events would be what it is?
If you were alive and paying attention to the first two years of the current president's administration: we're closing Guantanamo Bay, getting out of all of these countries. In fact, this current president court-martialed Navy SEALs in Iraq because one of the SEALs happened to give a fat lip to a targeted terrorist. You remember that, do you not? There was outrage across the country when Navy SEALs under orders to capture the number one terrorist in Iraq happen to give the guy a fat lip. They get court-martialed for it. And yet, less than a year and a half later, all of that which I just described takes place to herald and applause and celebration. It's just stunning, ladies and gentlemen. It's just a darn good thing, in retrospect, that President Obama listened to President Bush rather than Senator Obama.
But all that notwithstanding, my friends, the effort to deny the enormous importance of the Bush intelligence efforts is in full swing. Let's examine again with total objectivity and clarity the following. Clearly, a combination of enhanced interrogations at Guantanamo Bay, i.e., waterboarding, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and CIA detention locations in Europe. These are the secret prisons, rendition, if you will, clearly a combination of that, plus more CIA operatives and agents on the ground, along with the telephone and e-mail intercepts, the warrantless wiretap, virtually everything this current president and his party opposed was utilized by the current president to effect the outcome of Sunday night, the death of Osama Bin Laden.
Our current president is being called gutsy. Andrew Malcolm, who writes a blog at the Los Angeles Times, had a brilliant piece yesterday in which he contrasted Mr. Brennan, his press conference yesterday, his presser at the White House talking about the sweat and the tension and the pressure in the Situation Room, which was air-conditioned, creature comfort controlled. It was gutsy. It may have been the toughest and the gutsiest presidential decision ever, and yet there was not one word of the pressure of the challenge, of the hardship of the actual uniformed personnel on the ground in Pakistan. No, what happened in the Situation Room on Sunday was said to be gutsy, the gutsiest ever undertaken perhaps by an American president. This according to John Brennan.
Let me tell you something, folks. What was gutsy was the refusal of George W. Bush to bend to political and media pressure to drop it all. For the last four years, three years of the Bush administration the pressure was daily, and it was intense on Bush to quit, to give it all up, to pull out of Iraq, to stop the enhanced interrogation techniques, to close down Guantanamo. Harry Reid, "This war is lost." The surge had no chance, every effort was made to influence President Bush to just quit. He didn't. President Bush was gutsy. He was attacked by the left relentlessly. He was attacked by the media. He was attacked by the haughty John Kerry, who served in Vietnam one time. He was attacked relentlessly by candidates Obama and Clinton, by legal groups, by human rights groups. Cindy Sheehan was a national hero in the mainstream press. A little aside, Cindy Sheehan does not believe Osama Bin Laden is dead. You won't find her as a guest anymore on any of the mainstream media programs. But George W. Bush and his administration did not bend. They hung in.
Now, however, we are to forget all of that. No, no, that was irrelevant. We are to believe now that none of that was helpful. None of the policies of the Bush administration were even relevant. No, the genius and the acumen of Barack Obama, his unmatched guts, his unparalleled intellect, his profound seriousness, are to be credited. By the way, have you seen the picture of these clowns in the Situation Room from Sunday? Have you seen that picture? My gosh, what a letdown. CTU on "24" was more impressive. What a tiny Situation Room. I'll tell you something else. This is just an observation from looking at the picture. The smallest guy in the room is Obama. He looks small in that picture. He's hunched over, he's still got his golf shirt on. They gave him a windbreaker before they took the picture. Right, but it was his seriousness, it was his acumen, his unmatched guts that are to be credited here.
The information provided by waterboarding, it was said last night by Peter King, congressman, New York, waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed produced the intel that led to the successful assault on that glorified hut in which Osama Bin Laden was living. All of this produced by techniques and policies steadfastly opposed by this current president. The president gives a -- some would say illegal -- kill order. We are proscribed because of an executive order from President Ford to assassinate foreign leaders, but nevertheless this president gives a kill order for a target in a private residence in a country, a friendly country invaded by us without their knowledge where there are women and children present, by the way. In the course of this attack, upwards of 22 foreign nationals are either killed or captured, including the targeted unarmed foreign leader.
Then, it is reported that the president ordered the target's body respectfully tossed into the ocean, all of which is done without any United Nations resolution or authorization of any kind. And not only does our president not apologize for any of these actions, he brags about what he did and claims that it was all his idea from the get-go, and our media celebrates him as courageous. Now, who could have imagined such a series of events just a few days ago? If you were alive and paying attention during the 2008 presidential campaign, who could have ever believed that these events would have happened and that their reaction, the reaction of these events would be what it is?
If you were alive and paying attention to the first two years of the current president's administration: we're closing Guantanamo Bay, getting out of all of these countries. In fact, this current president court-martialed Navy SEALs in Iraq because one of the SEALs happened to give a fat lip to a targeted terrorist. You remember that, do you not? There was outrage across the country when Navy SEALs under orders to capture the number one terrorist in Iraq happen to give the guy a fat lip. They get court-martialed for it. And yet, less than a year and a half later, all of that which I just described takes place to herald and applause and celebration. It's just stunning, ladies and gentlemen. It's just a darn good thing, in retrospect, that President Obama listened to President Bush rather than Senator Obama.
But all that notwithstanding, my friends, the effort to deny the enormous importance of the Bush intelligence efforts is in full swing. Let's examine again with total objectivity and clarity the following. Clearly, a combination of enhanced interrogations at Guantanamo Bay, i.e., waterboarding, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and CIA detention locations in Europe. These are the secret prisons, rendition, if you will, clearly a combination of that, plus more CIA operatives and agents on the ground, along with the telephone and e-mail intercepts, the warrantless wiretap, virtually everything this current president and his party opposed was utilized by the current president to effect the outcome of Sunday night, the death of Osama Bin Laden.
Our current president is being called gutsy. Andrew Malcolm, who writes a blog at the Los Angeles Times, had a brilliant piece yesterday in which he contrasted Mr. Brennan, his press conference yesterday, his presser at the White House talking about the sweat and the tension and the pressure in the Situation Room, which was air-conditioned, creature comfort controlled. It was gutsy. It may have been the toughest and the gutsiest presidential decision ever, and yet there was not one word of the pressure of the challenge, of the hardship of the actual uniformed personnel on the ground in Pakistan. No, what happened in the Situation Room on Sunday was said to be gutsy, the gutsiest ever undertaken perhaps by an American president. This according to John Brennan.
Let me tell you something, folks. What was gutsy was the refusal of George W. Bush to bend to political and media pressure to drop it all. For the last four years, three years of the Bush administration the pressure was daily, and it was intense on Bush to quit, to give it all up, to pull out of Iraq, to stop the enhanced interrogation techniques, to close down Guantanamo. Harry Reid, "This war is lost." The surge had no chance, every effort was made to influence President Bush to just quit. He didn't. President Bush was gutsy. He was attacked by the left relentlessly. He was attacked by the media. He was attacked by the haughty John Kerry, who served in Vietnam one time. He was attacked relentlessly by candidates Obama and Clinton, by legal groups, by human rights groups. Cindy Sheehan was a national hero in the mainstream press. A little aside, Cindy Sheehan does not believe Osama Bin Laden is dead. You won't find her as a guest anymore on any of the mainstream media programs. But George W. Bush and his administration did not bend. They hung in.
Now, however, we are to forget all of that. No, no, that was irrelevant. We are to believe now that none of that was helpful. None of the policies of the Bush administration were even relevant. No, the genius and the acumen of Barack Obama, his unmatched guts, his unparalleled intellect, his profound seriousness, are to be credited. By the way, have you seen the picture of these clowns in the Situation Room from Sunday? Have you seen that picture? My gosh, what a letdown. CTU on "24" was more impressive. What a tiny Situation Room. I'll tell you something else. This is just an observation from looking at the picture. The smallest guy in the room is Obama. He looks small in that picture. He's hunched over, he's still got his golf shirt on. They gave him a windbreaker before they took the picture. Right, but it was his seriousness, it was his acumen, his unmatched guts that are to be credited here.
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