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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fast and Furious Fail

The administration we have in place today, as with all liberals, are extremely anti-gun. So, what happened? Well, let's see: The US allowed AK-47s to cross the border into Mexico. Yes, they knowingly allowed them to get into Mexico. The program was supposed to be a sting operation by tracing were the guns went. What could go wrong? I just don't think that was a very good idea, nor do I think that was the truth. I think they purposely let the guns get into Mexico, knowing they would be used for murder. Then when it was found out that American guns were being used by the drug cartels to kill people, this administration was going to shout from the mountain tops "See! We need gun control!" It didn't work. One of our border agents was recently murdered. The weapon used? One of the guns from Operation Fast and Furious. Now that would have been perfect to make the call for gun control but.....there is a whistle-blower. He has stated that we were in fact allowing these guns to get into Mexico on purpose, that this was NOT a case of not enough gun control. Hmmm. What's scary is that both the President and AG Eric Holder have stated that they had no idea this operation was going on and they certainly did not authorize it. Really? So we have rogue ATF agents creating their own sting operations without permission...letting AK-47s into Mexico? The Prez didn't know anything about it? I feel safer now!

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