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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

There Is No Free Lunch

I'll never forget a certain 6th grade social sciences teacher who taught us that some people were good at growing corn while others were good at raising cattle and by trading corn for cattle each of their lives were improved and their standards of living rose and that this was called capitalism. Because trading corn for cows was cumbersome, they invented money which represented the mutually agreed-upon fair trade value of their labor. At that time my Memorial Elementary School and the Euclid, Ohio community and public school system was pumping out top-notch and productive members of society by the thousands but we didn't think of it as such. We were just ordinary middle class people doing what ordinary middle class people did at that time- Rise to the best of our abilities. This process of rising to the best of your abilities, repeated a billion times a day across our nations towns, cities, states, and regions is literally what built our nation and gave us the high standard of living, quality of life, and comfort that we enjoy today. In retrospect, a school system and community like that in today's America can only be found in exclusive pockets and at great expense. Today's Euclid school system and community, like so many across the nation, has radically changed. Its predominantly gangsta thug males and single teen moms learn, in the rare moments when they do make some efforts at learning, the common theme found across today's U.S. that the hard working guy making a good living is keeping you down and the government owes you both essential services and a living. They are taught socialism. So with the power of money and capitalism comes the danger of democratic socialism- the idea that you can vote yourself somebody else's money and thereby vote yourself their *labor* effectively reserecting that millenia old scourge of direct slavery in its modern indirect variant. 
The followers of Barrack Obama and the democratic party in general, plus our now hooked on entitlements middle-class are not being taught the incessant warnings of the late great economist Milton Friedman- "There is no free lunch!" This time around the disease is so ingrained and the government programs and spending are so numerous and huge with so many helpless dependents voting for their survival that another Ronald Reagan may not ever get enough votes to save us. In contrast to America's rise up, the vote yourself somebody else's money so you can have what they have *without working for it*, repeated a billion times a day across our nations towns, cities, states, and regions is literally destroying our nation and will soon melt away our high standard of living, quality of life, and comfort that we enjoy today. Barrack Obama's socialism and his democratic party's socialism is robbing us of our precious God-given and inalienable human and economic freedoms as it plunges us down its certain tunnel of darkness. And when our military is gone, cashiered because people don't want to pay for a $120 doctor visit twice a year, the entire remaining free world will go down the tunnel of darkness too as the world's currently restrained tyrannical enemies of democracy suddenly find themselves unopposed and unrestrained. Many formerly free people all across the world will rediscover real injustice and real misery which was commonplace a mere 100 years ago. This is quite a price to pay for socialism's intoxicating elixir of greed which whispers into the air "somebody else can feed, clothe, house, and pay you free money too". As Greece burns, an all engines stopped Europe decays, creaks and groans, the Soviet Union sits under its tombstone, Cubans suffer, and North Koreans starve while taking bullets in their backs to escape, it is clear the Cold War is far from over and in fact it appears the wrong side is decisively winning by convincing so many millions that its evil does not exist.

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