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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Make Some Coffee And Sit Down

...This week the President of the United States Barrack Obama demonized American Citizens who earn $250,000 per year. Let's analyze his comments on a deeper level and in a logical fashion which you would never find in his allied and effectively democratic-party run main stream news media. First of all allow me point out that he and his wife have an annual income of *more than ten times this amount*. The Obamas are part of an elite tiny group called the "super rich" and they have been paying about an 18% tax rate on their earnings while demonizing the *middle class* who work their fingers to the bone for 1/10th of Obama's elitist-privileged lifestyle while paying a confiscatory *40-50%* tax rate on their labor so their actual take-home pay is about $125-150k. To see this charade coming from the erstwhile leader of the free world is a harbinger of his radicalism, the ignorance of his followers, and the pain of injustice both large scale and small inflicted by the hands of the socialists. And just who are these so-called "rich" Americans? As always, Obama's tongue isn't tuned for all American's ears to hear for he is speaking directly to the nation's welfare dependents, minorities, leftists, and people who's ignorance of wealth creation shows no bounds where the common denominator is their main driving purpose in life of getting money and services for free without actually having to work for it. He is dangerously dividing the nation into various hate-groups in order to win votes similar to Europe's thousand year eras of Balkanization which led to the persecution of the Jews and whose remnants and old world hatreds persists to this day. But when the time comes to put his hate-speech into written policy, the American Citizens the President of the United States is demonizing are actually people with $250k *household* incomes so he's conferring enemy of the socialist state status upon professional married couples each making $125k or people with demanding professions such as a physician whose spouse also works. But the vast majority of these demonized people are, in fact, the nation's small business owners who, by the way, happen to employ *50%* of all Americans and who happen to be responsible for most of the nations new advances, economic growth, and job creation. Obama knows perfectly well what he is doing by attacking the heart of America's job, progress, and paycheck creation machine. Notice how Obama rarely does this against large corporations (unless they are on the socialist's evil-doer list such as oil companies). This is because the modern socialist co-opts big business and puts them on the taxpayer free-money gravy train with crony bloated gov contracts, arraignments, pork, and special treatments. This politicized and corrupt style of an indirectly government regulated and run economy buys the socialists more state power and more state control. Witness GM, GE, Google, Fannie, Freddie, Pharma, and a whole host of other examples emerging from this vile administration. The small biz owner is of no use to Obama the socialist particularly because their independence and self-sufficiency is a threat to the tenets of socialism so he, like history's other socialist monsters in places like Venezuela and Cuba, wants to strangle the life out of them. Obama (who along with Michelle are amongst the world's leading jet-setting elitists) referred to the middle-class backbone of America's productive workers and innovators as "private jet owners". This unrepentant lie was clearly aimed at the nation's minorities and ignorants obsessed with voting themselves their neighbors lifestyle without actually having to work for it. By the way, for those who pay attention, starting before he was even elected and continuing even to this day, Obama has been repeating another dramatic falsehood over and over- that his attack on the upper middle class would only affect a tiny fraction of the nation's small businesses. The deceptive lie here is the difference between number of businesses verses the number of employees. His tiny minority of affected small businesses employ nearly all of those 50% of the nation's workers. The vast majority of the nation's small businesses are tiny owner-operator setups and have no employees thus Obama's deceptive attack designed to fool his ignorant class-envious followers would directly hit nearly half of all America's employees with a large pay decrease otherwise known as a large indirect tax. Deceptive manipulators love indirect taxes whose affects they blame on "the rich" which yields another ratcheting of the socialist's choke hold and another round of lynching. Another factor here is the simple numbers game. The upper middle class of this nation are both the productive backbone and the government's modern day slave inventory and human piggy-bank. They have no representation, are perpetually demonized by leftists and socialists and ignorants alike (whose crisscrossed brain wirings have convinced themselves that they are called liberals) and are unconstitutionally singled out for a very unequal punitive treatment under the law with confiscatory and tyrannical taxation. Give a hate speech, rally your hate groups, and then with their votes and support extract an extra $20,000 per year (from those who already pay 40-50% or $100,000-$125,000 per year in taxes) from the 20 million upper-middle-class workers and you get *$400 BILLION* more government revenue *per year*. This is the real big-money flow which the federal government needs and which the tiny few in number super-rich could never generate *per year*. This is why the upper middle class live under perpetual attack and pay tyrannical taxation while the tiny few in number super-rich spend months sailing the Greek Isles. Obama's behavior and speech is glaringly (for the nation's informed and non-socialists) part and parcel of history's worst socialist monsters. Obama's greatest skill and hence his greatest danger is convincing his hundreds of millions of ignorant followers along with their fetish of materialism and desire for other people's stolen stuff that it's ok to rob their neighbor while going down our elected socialist monster's dark path whose well trained tongue and deceptive mind has convinced so many that socialism's evil not only doesn't exist, but is actually good for us.

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