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Thursday, July 28, 2011

File Under: Tyrannical Radical Government Expansionism

Let’s talk about the changes our U.S. federal government has undergone over the last century. One hundred years ago its power and functions were properly and constitutionally constrained. After the New Deal the character of our federal government radically changed from being constrained to doing whatever it wanted to do so long as the Constitution did not prohibit it. This came about because during the Great Depression FDR packed the Supreme Court until they approved his radical socialist expansion. The Great Society wildly expanded this mode giving us the socialist welfare state which is bankrupting us today. But now our federal government has entered a new phase where it not only does whatever it wants to do, it is insisting on telling us what we must and must not do, against our will, while it churns out hundreds of thousands of pages per year of new rules, laws, regulations, and orders limiting our freedoms according to IT’S desires. The federal government has radically changed from its inception and is rapidly constraining the American People with its self-created fourth branch of government- the vast array of regulatory agencies. The people in these agencies have a wildly divergent view of their relationship with the American People. The regulators believe they “own” the U.S. and we are merely here to do what they say- we are here to obey their commands. Enabled by massive thousand page laws which create autonomous agency “rule-writing authority”, they self-expand their legal jurisdictions and spew out hundreds upon thousands of new “laws” yearly. They do this completely outside of the Constitutional law-making process and completely outside the reach of elections and consent of the governed. 
This is EXACTLY what our Founding Fathers fought a war against and designed a charter to prevent from ever happening again. But alas, this is the trajectory that all governments, given enough time, will take. Have you ever been to a lake or reservoir that is U.S. Army Corps of Engineers “owned”? There are lots of them in Texas. The Corps sets up a buffer around the lake and nobody can use that land nor the lake itself. At this very moment, Lisa Jackson, the revolutionary socialist director of the EPA, is attempting to unilaterally give the EPA *legal controlling authority* over all water within the United States. She is trying to claim that *any* body of water, beach, coastline, lake, river, stream, creek, or puddle *no matter how small* plus buffer zones around it are now “owned” by the U.S. federal government. Every. Single. Drop. For our own protection and safety, of course. This is such a radical jump in character by the Obama administration that even I am speechless. In addition to this the EPA has also been relentlessly issuing new air regulations which are going to cripple our electricity generating capacity and coal industry and will cause electricity rates to skyrocket killing hundreds of thousands of jobs. Oil drilling, exploration, and production in the Gulf of Mexico has been reduced by 70% under Obama’s iron fisted rule. 
These regulations go far far beyond anything considered environmental protection or quality and instead fall squarely under “tyrannical radical government expansionism”. Most of the air regulations are being deliberately and specifically designed to cripple Texas- the enemy of the socialist elite who are determined to place America under their rule. This act of custom designing laws and regulations for the sole purpose of punishing those who resist its “socialist revolution”, destroying hundreds of thousands of jobs in the process, is so extreme that it is reminiscent of what Stalin did to the Ukraine when they resisted his socialist expansion.
A reading of our Declaration of Independence slowly, thoughtfully, and line-by-line is more relevant than ever. 
Our federal government has become tyranny personified. 
Obamacare is set to nationalize our entire healthcare system driving our already impossible to sustain spending much higher and forcing people who already pay 35-50% tax rates to fork out $18,000/yr per household to pay for their Obamacare “insurance exchange” product so that non-taxpayers who are *already* getting $20-40,000/yr of free government stuff may get their healthcare free. 
Our fedgov dishes out such astronomically large sums of free government money to its privileged faction of voting patrons that according to the IMF tax rates on the middle to upper-middle class would have to climb to an astonishing 60-85% to sustain the free-money gravy train. Under this scenario the upper-middle class would be allowed to keep only 15% of their pay, and to actually start paying down the massive accumulated debt, which equals the entire annual output of the U.S. economy, tax rates would have to rise even higher than this. Of course even half this measure would collapse the economy like a stalled aircraft turning us into Cuba, tax revenues would plunge, and we would enter a super-depression like the world has never seen replete with famine, starvation deaths, and a worldwide historical calamity. 
Yet when We The People demand a stop to this spending orgy our own federal government LASHES OUT at us- demanding that WE shut up, demanding that WE obey, and insisting that OUR money does not even belong to us. Our federal government, its army of free-money privileged patrons, and its politburo of iron fisted regulators have become a parasitic mafia who have hijacked our nation and, short of another American Revolution, are perched to crush us.

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