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Sunday, July 31, 2011

@WashingtonDC It's the ---ENTITLEMENT SPENDING---

@WashingtonDC It's the ---ENTITLEMENT SPENDING--- That is what this is all about. Any other explanation out of you signals dishonesty, ideologically-driven blindness, and/or ignorance. Entitlement spending is eclipsing ALL tax revenues RIGHT NOW. That's why we are borrowing so much (you can easily research this yourself with your own government's data). Entitlement spending keeps exponentially exploding upwards as our society ages and collects their Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and soon Obamacare. Our entitlement recipients paid a tiny fraction in taxes compared to what they'll receive. They are getting a free lunch. Entitlement spending keeps going up and up and up and up so high that NO AMOUNT of taxes on ANYBODY can ever pay for it. There is not even enough productive capacity within the entire United States to pay for it. The unfunded entitlement liability owed is ***$211 Trillion***. You cannot pay out that much free money forever. We will run out of money no matter what we do and we are simply seeing seeing the beginning of that right now. Just like Greece. A nation living on the free lunch will eventually fiscally collapse. Borrowing another 2 or 3 trillion (!!!) just to get through the next 1.5 yrs (!!!) is simply delaying the inevitable and making the future even more painful. We are condemning our future generations to MISERY. Say it out loud 1,000 times: It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING. It's the ENTITLEMENT SPENDING.....X 37.037037037037037037037


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